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Site Built BY

Pavan Kumar Paruchuri
MS-MVP(consumer security)
Click here to view my MVP profile

A Note of Thanks :- To my parents for their encouragement and support, Iam really thankful to Balakrishna for helping me to complete this site, Iam also thankful to Hemant, Jaya Prakash for their contributions, Thanks to members of Darkhackers community, C9, UEH, AHU on Orkut(especially Karan and other owners/mods/active members)  with out whom i would never thought of making the site, Thanks to Orkut for providing the community option which is a root cause for me getting here, Thanks to Microsoft for encouraging me by Recognizing as an MVP (most valuable professional),I am very much thankful to my 9-Zone.org team. :)
And Finally Abhishek Anand I still remember you and your support even though you are out of this world :(
Sorry If i forget anyone else. Will update you soon :D

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